Those of you following our progress might be wondering what our departure date is actually going to be...well, it's been adjusted more than tight knickers on a fat lady in Florida.
The few days that I've been "dark" on this blog were when we were being consumed with a variety of "new challenges."
While we learned which RV place we will consult for future services and maintenance (and which ones we have removed from our Christmas Card list) we also were ducking every curve ball that came our way and of course that doesn't cover all the split-finger fast balls and change-ups that were lobbed across the plate as well.
Truly, I have no freakin' idea what I just said, but have relied on Donald to give me some baseball jargon to offset the Starwars | Star Trek | Apollo 13 bend I've been on recently.
Instead of this update being titled "Houston, we have a problem..." I thought I'd take a shot at protraying a "Homestand Hitting Slump" (work with me here) I'm trying to figure out how to explain the panic that occured with the laptop crashing worm virus (better than the dogs having worms!)
Then the burning question: Do the Danes need a new set of vaccines or treatments to preclude them from getting all sorts of nasty parasites? The answer was YES they DO - to the tune of $350.00. However, we can sleep more soundly knowing we have attempted to keep them safe from the attack of Deer Ticks, Brown Dog Ticks, American Dog Ticks, Lone Star Ticks (Lone Star Ticks? What the heck are these things? Swaggering bloodsuckers from Texas with pointy cowboy boots and a drawl? Geez, I thought that described J.R. from "Dallas") Oh yeah, and then there is the possibility of Chewing Lice (EWWW!) and Mosquitos, which in Vermont can be big and ornery enough to grab the TV remote outta your hands if you even vaguely consider changing the channel.
Then, we have the little issue of a pesky ABS light (coming on and staying on) which according to the owner's manual (which we have memorized) signifies an issue with the back brakes. AND whilst it's in the shop (yet again) how's'bout taking a look at the lousy air conditioning in the cab? The AC in the coach could keep an eskimo in long underwear, but the puny airflow in the cab from the front vents couldn't kill a birthday candle. Contemplating a long drive across the flat lands in 120 degree heat put a sheen of sweat on my brow and that twisted knickers/fat lady image just wouldn't leave my stressed brain.
Then there was the spring out of bed in the middle of the night launched by: SH*T!!! Do we ALL have the correct papers to venture into Canada without being apprehended and detained past next Easter by Homeland Security? Not just the dogs mind you, but are our passports good? ...Oh Canada, our home and native land...true patriot love in all thy sons command. ...then, AUGH! Springing from bed, again, to find my wallet to determine that indeed - my driver's license expires about a week before our estimated return date.
Did I mention we still needed to get a humongous Surge Protector? FOUND ONE - that was supposed to come with a FREE locking hasp (on back order) a GPS that will alert for maximum limits on height, width and details of covered bridges, tunnels, overpasses, cow grates, bad omelets and dodgy bathrooms in truck stops...and my lists now have lists!!!
GPS - FOUND ONE and tested it out - yep - worked great - got us to the SPD Firing Range so we can be on time for our Gun Safety course tomorrow. We're taking a firearm with us, in addition to the Louisville Slugger we usually have by our backdoor, and want to be as responsible as possible...also want to be more proficient than Donald tossing a .357 in a darn good pitch at a would-be intruder.
Guess what I'm trying to say is our departure date is being slid from leaving ahead of the July 4th traffic (July 1st) - like a fast ball <- hmm...not sure I like the way I tried to seque into the baseball thing again - but we are now planning to fake a bunt and set out on Tuesday, July 5th...AFTER all the Fourth of July competition has left the field and headed into the locker room.
Yeah, I agree - I stink at this baseball analogy thing. Think I'm going back to a space theme...ever heard of Serenity? Yeah, that's what we're headed for something that feels calm and peaceful. After this, everything can go back to being "SHINEY!" Sing with me now...
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